This section on church discipline is completely ignored by many so-called churches, and wrongly used as a hammer by many others that actually see its importance. One neglected aspect of these words is that Jesus gave them with a little toddler still in His lap. Jesus had just used that little child to illustrate our […]
Matthew 16:22-28 The Unexpected Follow-up to Peter’s Great Confession (Part 2)
Most every Christian is familiar with Jesus’ declaration that whoever would come after Him must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Him. But what does that mean? We have all likely heard the statement that ‘Everyone has his own cross to bear.’ And we’ve also likely heard everything from difficult marriages, stressful jobs, […]
Matthew 16:5-12 The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
Last week we saw that the polar opposite Pharisees and Sadducees were cooperating together against Jesus. The Pharisees were like our so-called conservatives today. They held to what they had always believed and what they had always thought even though many elements of it were wrong. The Sadducees were like the progressives of our day. […]
Ephesians 2:1-10 Taking Steps to Secure Future Generations- Brother Michael Carr
Matthew 15:15-20- The Necessity of Patient Repetitious Instruction in Discipleship
Jesus dealt harshly with the Pharisees and Scribes, but patiently with the disciples. The disciples were not always a quick study, and, at times, Jesus became exasperated by their slow growth and the smallness of their faith. However, Jesus continued to patiently instruct His beloved disciples even when their growth was slow and their understanding […]
Matthew 13:51-52 The Duty of Those Who Understand
Jesus asks the disciples if they understand the things He taught them in the Parabolic Discourse, and they say they do. Jesus then gives a one last parable that is unlike the others. All the other parables are ‘Kingdom Parables’ which explain what the Kingdom of heaven is like, but this one explains what a […]
Matthew 10:24-25 The Honor of Students and Slaves
Men were created for glory and we crave it. We, being created in the image of God, desire honor, glory, prestige, & recognition. When pursued in obedience to God such desires are not wrong, and God intends for us to share in His glory. But what is the past to that glory? Listen as Pastor […]
Talking You Out of (And Back Into) Being Baptized
Many times baptism is treated as a cute little rite of passage, but baptism is a big deal. With baptism comes covenant commitments where the candidate is brought under the protection, provision, and authority of the Church. Listen as Pastor Matt preaches a baptismal charge to four baptismal candidates encouraging them to count the costs […]
Matthew 28:18-20 Baptism as a Means of Discipleship Part 3 of 3 Jesus as King, our Future Hope
Listen as Pastor Matt explains the the Old Testament Covenants, Christ’s fulfillment of every Old Testament Promise, and the future hope to which our Baptism points; our resurrection from the dead! May the hope of reigning with Christ cause us all to persevere to the end in obedience and faith.
Matthew 28:19-20 Baptism as a Means of Discipleship Part 1: Jesus as Prophet
Mt 28:19-20 Go therefore & make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father & the Son & the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. These verses contain only one command; Make disciples. Going, baptizing, & teaching are all participles which indicate that they […]