Does God see me in my distress? Will he be faithful to his promises toward me? Does he have a plan for my future? It may be surprising to many, but Zechariah opens his book answering these very questions.
Galatians 6:1 and I Corinthians 5- Two Paths to Restoration and Reconciliation- PASTOR Michael Carr
What is the proper approach to restoring a brother ensnared by sin? How should a Christian pursue someone who has been excommunicated? Many believe that the approach is the same in both situations, but Scripture is clear that the situations present two different paths to restoration and reconciliation.
John 17:13-19 Our Place in this World- Brother Michael Carr
What does it mean to be “in the world, but not of it”? Many in the church either ignore the distinction altogether or reduce it to a christianized version of secular failures. Find out why Jesus prayed for this distinction and how you can avoid being “of the world.”
1 John 5:18-21- Confidence Before God- Brother Michael Carr
Is assurance of salvation a possibility? Can a believer be confident concerning his position in the Kingdom of Light? Absolutely! John’s epistle was written to give such confidence. Listen as brother Michael Carr exposits the final words of assurance from the apostle in this great epistle.
1 Chronicles 28:1-7 Davidic Supremacy Confirmed- Bro. Michael Carr
There’s more to glean from David’s final address than a call for a lasting legacy. There is a rich contrast that unfolds between Saul and David that points the reader to the constant refrain of the man after God’s own heart; that Christ is King!
Ephesians 6:10-14a A Hill on Which to Die- Brother Michael Carr
Christians cannot perpetually surrender ground to wickedness. Paul demonstrates in this text that there is ground that must be defended at all costs. To surrender this hill is to surrender the entire battle. What is this ground that must be defended at all costs? Listen as Brother Michael Carr explores this texts and encourages Christians […]
I Samuel 17- The Philistine and the King- Brother Michael Carr
A serpent has entered the garden and is mocking God and man. Who will drive it out of the garden and crush its head? One king won’t, another king will temporarily, and the True King does ultimately and completely.
Lamentations 3-The Poetic Beauty of God’s Faithfulness Amid Life’s Trials- Brother Michael Carr
We have all walked through difficult seasons with varying degrees of intensity. In Lamentations Jeremiah shows us how a proper theology helps you navigate even the most distressing circumstances.
Jeremiah 31:38-40 An Expansion Greater than a Mere Tract of Land- Brother Michael Carr
Listen as Brother Michael Carr shows how the New Covenant points to much more than land promises. Jesus established a Kingdom that has gone forth conquering, is conquering, and will conquer. It is indeed a Kingdom that will not be plucked up or overthrown anymore forever.
Proverbs 23- Words of Wisdom in a World of Folly- Brother Michael Carr
How should the christian approach the insanity that the culture presents? Solomon provides the instruction necessary for the believer to survive and thrive in these troubled times.