What is the proper approach to restoring a brother ensnared by sin? How should a Christian pursue someone who has been excommunicated? Many believe that the approach is the same in both situations, but Scripture is clear that the situations present two different paths to restoration and reconciliation.
Proverbs 20:19 Ministerial De-Ja-Vu: Identifying & Dealing with Gossip
Disagreements and conflicts in the church are burdensome, but they are not to unique to your church. The same sorts of conflict was present in Ephesus, Colossae, Philippi, & Corinth. Paul even says that divisions are necessary & even helpful.1 Cor. 11:18 When you come together as a church, I hear that divisions exist among […]
Ephesians 4:1-6 The Danger of Disunity- Pastor David Province
Unity is not an option in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the very thing that Jesus himself prayed his followers would have to mirror the Godhead in John 17. We in the church have an awesome responsibility to maintain the unity that God has already provided us with the means that […]
Matthew 18:21-35 A Dangerous Question: How Many Times Must I Forgive My Brother?
After Peter heard Jesus’ somber, yet encouraging, teaching about the effectiveness of the church in administering church discipline what does he ask? Does he ask about how to pursue the shunned man who has been put out of the church? Nope. Does he ask any clarifying questions about how to be certain they are rightly […]
Matthew 18:15-20- Where Two or Three Synagogue In Jesus’ Name
Most every Christian knows Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Unfortunately, this verse is often wrongly used to justify people’s lack of involvement in the organized church. But did Jesus intend the verse to be taken that way? Listen as Pastor Matt […]
Matthew 18:15-17- From Seeking to Shunning: What is Required in Church Discipline? Part 2 of 2
Jesus absolutely taught that we are our brother’s keeper. Last week we examined what goes into Seeking your Brother when he is in sin. This week Pastor Matt picks up in verse 16 where we learn to Seek our Brother with Our Brother, and ultimately to Shun Our So-Called Brother if he utterly refuses to […]
Matthew 18:15-17- From Seeking to Shunning: What is Required in Church Discipline? Part 1 of 2
This section on church discipline is completely ignored by many so-called churches, and wrongly used as a hammer by many others that actually see its importance. One neglected aspect of these words is that Jesus gave them with a little toddler still in His lap. Jesus had just used that little child to illustrate our […]
Matthew 18:12-14 Our Treatment of Fellow Little Ones Part 2: Pursuit & Pleasure
Matthew 18:12-14 Is one of the more familiar passages in the Bible. Mt. 18:12–14 What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, & one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains & go & search for the one that is straying? 13 If it turns […]
Matthew 18:1-4 The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus told the disciples again and again of His coming suffering and death in Jerusalem. How did they respond? At first they grieved, but soon after they are arguing. Over what? Over which one of them is the greatest. Finally, they ask Jesus who the greatest in the Kingdom was. In response, Jesus gives one […]
Matthew 16:17-19 Jesus’ Response the Peter’s Great Confession- Part 3b Delineation
America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation with explicitly Christian laws. Have you noticed how quickly we are moving away from those sacred foundations? How did the people view the establishment of the united states of America during the Revolutionary War? What role did the church play in the establishment of our form of […]