Jesus told Peter that He was giving him the ‘keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,’ and the ministry of ‘binding and loosing.’ Both endowments pertain to authoritative delineation. Keys are delineating between who is in & out, & binding & loosing is delineating between what is right & wrong. Listen as Pastor Matt shows how […]
Col. 2:11-12 Misunderstanding Baptism: The Decline of Biblical, Covenantal, Church Membership
Listen as Pastor Matt explains how Col. 2:11-12 proves that Baptism is not the New Testament counterpart of Old Testament Circumcision. We lose a lot when we misunderstand the nature of the New Covenant and the role of the Church in pursuing regenerate church membership. A pure church is a powerful church! May we minister […]
Talking You Out of (And Back Into) Being Baptized
Many times baptism is treated as a cute little rite of passage, but baptism is a big deal. With baptism comes covenant commitments where the candidate is brought under the protection, provision, and authority of the Church. Listen as Pastor Matt preaches a baptismal charge to four baptismal candidates encouraging them to count the costs […]
Matthew 28:18-20 Baptism as a Means of Discipleship Part 3 of 3 Jesus as King, our Future Hope
Listen as Pastor Matt explains the the Old Testament Covenants, Christ’s fulfillment of every Old Testament Promise, and the future hope to which our Baptism points; our resurrection from the dead! May the hope of reigning with Christ cause us all to persevere to the end in obedience and faith.
Matthew 28:19-20 Baptism as a Means of Discipleship_ Part 2 of 3 Jesus as Priest
Last week we looked at how Jesus is the final revelation of God and how that baptism communicates our intention to immerse ourselves in His teaching and obey His commands. But what about out guilt? Listen as Pastor Matt explains how baptism also points to the completed work of Christ who died to pay the […]
Matthew 28:19-20 Baptism as a Means of Discipleship Part 1: Jesus as Prophet
Mt 28:19-20 Go therefore & make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father & the Son & the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. These verses contain only one command; Make disciples. Going, baptizing, & teaching are all participles which indicate that they […]
Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism of Christ: To Fulfill All Righteousness
Sin bearing was not the ministry of Israel’s kings. They ruled, they led, they defended, they conquered, but they could not deal with the sins of men; that was the role of priests. There was a clear, & unflinching demarcation between kings & priests, & lest there be any confusion, their linage was even divided. […]
Protected: Sermon 1-11-2015
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The Church is a Family- Commitment to the People of God
You may be shocked to discover that the phrase ‘personal relationship with Christ’ does not occur anywhere in the Bible. He saves us for a purpose much greater than ourselves. He makes of us a community of image bearers who model for the world what loving relationships are supposed to look like as we strive […]
Baptism as a Means of Discipleship Part III: Jesus as King-Matthew 28:18-20
Part III of III on baptism as a means of discipleship; Embracing Jesus as King: Matthew 28:18-20.