Jesus’ transfiguration was done for the benefit of Peter, James, and John. Unfortunately, the verses that follow show that they completely miss the point. Pastor Matt shows the implications of Peter’s Suggestion that he build tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Next he shows the implications of the Father’s Correction. Then lastly, he considers Jesus’ […]
Matthew 17:1-3 Jesus’ Transfiguration
The events of the Mountain of Transfiguration are recorded in all three synoptic Gospels. But what do they teach us about Christ? Listen as Pastor Matt considers the timing of the event, the triad of disciples He took with Him to the mountain, the transfiguration itself, and the typology behind Moses and Elijah to show […]
Jeremiah 31:38-40 An Expansion Greater than a Mere Tract of Land- Brother Michael Carr
Listen as Brother Michael Carr shows how the New Covenant points to much more than land promises. Jesus established a Kingdom that has gone forth conquering, is conquering, and will conquer. It is indeed a Kingdom that will not be plucked up or overthrown anymore forever.
Col. 2:11-12 Misunderstanding Baptism: The Decline of Biblical, Covenantal, Church Membership
Listen as Pastor Matt explains how Col. 2:11-12 proves that Baptism is not the New Testament counterpart of Old Testament Circumcision. We lose a lot when we misunderstand the nature of the New Covenant and the role of the Church in pursuing regenerate church membership. A pure church is a powerful church! May we minister […]