Jesus has finally silenced the relentless attack of the religious leaders. They don’t know how to answer Jesus’ question. Furthermore, they are so intimidated by His wisdom that ‘no one dared from that day to ask Him another question.’ One might expect Jesus to kind of, ‘live and let live.’ If the Scribes and Pharisees […]
Ephesians 6:10-14a A Hill on Which to Die- Brother Michael Carr
Christians cannot perpetually surrender ground to wickedness. Paul demonstrates in this text that there is ground that must be defended at all costs. To surrender this hill is to surrender the entire battle. What is this ground that must be defended at all costs? Listen as Brother Michael Carr explores this texts and encourages Christians […]
Genesis 2:7 & 15-24 Marriage and the ‘Overton Window’
Culture has changed DRAMATICALLY in the past few generations. That which was unthinkable is now popular opinion, and that which was once popular opinion is now unthinkable. Unfortunately, laws and public policy have moved with these cultural norms. What happened? Listen as Pastor Matt explains a concept known as ‘the Overton Window,’ how it has […]
Matthew 17:24-27 Patiently Enduring Evil While Opposing It
How many times have you thought you knew something was right & found out it was wrong? How many times have you condemned something as wrong, only to find out later that it was right? In our pride, we have a tendency to think what we have always known, or always heard is right. Peter […]
Matthew 16:22-28 The Unexpected Follow-up to Peter’s Great Confession (Part 2)
Most every Christian is familiar with Jesus’ declaration that whoever would come after Him must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Him. But what does that mean? We have all likely heard the statement that ‘Everyone has his own cross to bear.’ And we’ve also likely heard everything from difficult marriages, stressful jobs, […]
Matthew 16:17-19 Jesus’ Response the Peter’s Great Confession- Part 3b Delineation
America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation with explicitly Christian laws. Have you noticed how quickly we are moving away from those sacred foundations? How did the people view the establishment of the united states of America during the Revolutionary War? What role did the church play in the establishment of our form of […]
Matthew 16:17-19 Jesus’ Response the Peter’s Great Confession- Part 3 Delineation
Jesus told Peter that He was giving him the ‘keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,’ and the ministry of ‘binding and loosing.’ Both endowments pertain to authoritative delineation. Keys are delineating between who is in & out, & binding & loosing is delineating between what is right & wrong. Listen as Pastor Matt shows how […]
Matthew 14:3-12- John the Baptist: A Case Study in Speaking the Truth
How should a Christian think of cultural engagement? Should the church address political issues? Should Christians speak out against wicked rulers? The example of John the Baptist is instructive. 1) He knew what was going on 2) He knew what God’s law said 3) He spoke to Herod about his sin 4) He was undeterred […]
Matthew 12:25ish A Quasi-Expository Biblical and Theological Deep Dive into Kingdoms, Nations, Cities, and Peoples
In this lecture/sermon Pastor Matt considers the origin of kingdoms/nations, languages, ethnicities and religions. He also explores the roots of ‘Kinism,’ and how Jesus coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s essentially reduces the world to two Kingdoms; the New Jerusalem (the City of Peace) and Babylon (The City of Confusion). In essence […]
Matthew 10:26-28 Whom Shall We Fear?
Listen as Pastor Matt encourages us from the Matthew 10:26-28 never to shy away from proclaiming the whole counsel of God regardless of the ire, threats, and intimidation of men. How can we be so brave? Because we fear One who is greater, and who threatens worse punishment, than all the men in the world […]