Christians cannot perpetually surrender ground to wickedness. Paul demonstrates in this text that there is ground that must be defended at all costs. To surrender this hill is to surrender the entire battle. What is this ground that must be defended at all costs? Listen as Brother Michael Carr explores this texts and encourages Christians […]
I Peter 5:8-9 Recognizing and Resisting the Slanderer- Pastor Chris Jones
We know the titles ‘The Devil’ and ‘Satan,’ but do we even know what they mean? Listen as Pastor Chris Jones of Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church in Clinton, Tennessee sheds light on the meaning of these titles and his method of warfare. Whether Satan accuses us to God, God to us, us to […]
I Timothy 6:11-12 The Peaceful Life of War- Brother Matthew Mallacoccio
Christians are called to be soldiers. Their weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty. Intercessory prayer, the proclamation of the Gospel, and sacrificial love. With whom are Christians at war? They are at war with the powers and principalities of this evil age and the corruption that still lies within themselves. The Apostle Paul […]
I Corinthians 10:3-5 The Weapons of Our Warfare- Brother Tyler Schwartz
We are, undoubtedly, in the midst of a great culture war. At times this war seems un-winnable, so un-winnable that many are giving up on even fighting. Listen as Brother Tyler Schwartz encourages us from God’s word that the war in not only winnable, but that the victory is a certainty because of the nature […]
Ephesians 6:18-20 Warfare by Prayer
In Ephesians 6:18 Paul urges believers to pray at all times, with all prayer and supplication, with all perseverance, and to make supplication for all the saints. When the word all is used four times in one verse we better pay attention! We pray that this sermon helps you evaluate your prayer life and aids […]
Matthew 8:28-34 Demonic Activity, Divine Authority, & Depraved Audacity
Ephesians 6:10-20 Seeing the Unseen
Listen as Pastor David reminds us of the spiritual nature of the Christians battle. Neither our energy, nor our enemy, nor our equipment for our battle are temporal. If we war in the flesh we will lose, but if we war according to the spirit then a victorious outcome is secure.
Philippians 1:27 That I May Hear of Your Affairs
Imagine you are in prison awaiting trial for your faith in Christ, What would you be hoping to hear concerning those who are outside? Perhaps you’d be hoping to hear of a great demonstration of their love for you? Most would probably be most thrilled to hear that they were planning a mass appeal to […]
Ephesians 6:10-20_ Against Whom Do We Wrestle?_ Pastor David Province
Have you ever experience tension in a relationship? Stupid question, huh? Of course you have; we all have. Pastor David Province offers us a biblical change of perception from Ephesians 6:10-20 that can help bring about relational healing.