The worship of the false god Baal has brought the Northern Kingdom of Israel under the condemnation of the Lord in the book of 1 Kings. To show that the Lord is God and not Baal, the Lord causes a drought to come over the land and it does not rain for more than 3 […]
Matthew 22:46-23:7 Jesus on the Attack: Exposing the Scribes and Pharisees
Jesus has finally silenced the relentless attack of the religious leaders. They don’t know how to answer Jesus’ question. Furthermore, they are so intimidated by His wisdom that ‘no one dared from that day to ask Him another question.’ One might expect Jesus to kind of, ‘live and let live.’ If the Scribes and Pharisees […]
Matthew 22:23-33 A Mysterious and Troubling Defense of the Resurrection
Some texts are easier to understand and accept than others. This one is a doozy! What’s with this law about marrying your deceased brother’s widow if they had no kids before he died? And how are we supposed to feel about there being no marriage in heaven? And how are we ‘like the angels in […]
Matthew 21:13-16 The Triumphal Entry…Into the Temple (Part 2 of 2)
In Jesus’ famous Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem we see the bold audacity of Christ on full display. He rides into Jerusalem presenting Himself as the promised Messiah, but in this text we see Jesus take His audacious claims to a new level. Jesus is not only the Messiah; He is God in the flesh!
Matthew 21:1-7 The Audacity of the Triumphal Entry- Fixed Audio
Audacious isn’t a typical word we think of when we think of Jesus, but that’s because we’ve been programed by feather haired, limp-wristed, effeminate, pansy men pastors to ignore the obvious intentions of Jesus’ words & action. Audacious means- Bold, daring, fearless, & courageous. Jesus was both gentle & lowly AND bold, daring, fearless & […]
Matthew 21:1-7 The Audacity of the Triumphal Entry
Audacious isn’t a typical word we think of when we think of Jesus, but that’s because we’ve been programed by feather haired, limp-wristed, effeminate, pansy men pastors to ignore the obvious intentions of Jesus’ words & action. Audacious means- Bold, daring, fearless, & courageous. Jesus was both gentle & lowly AND bold, daring, fearless & […]
Matthew 19:1-6 Fearlessly Answering the Conspiring Pharisees
In their jealousy and envy the rebellious Pharisees test Jesus by asking Him a calculated question about divorce. The question is designed to reduce Jesus popularity and possibly even get Him killed. How does Jesus respond? Listen as Pastor Matt highlights the uncompromisingly bold answer Jesus gives, and what we can learn from His answer.
Matthew 16:22-28 The Unexpected Follow-up to Peter’s Great Confession (Part 2)
Most every Christian is familiar with Jesus’ declaration that whoever would come after Him must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Him. But what does that mean? We have all likely heard the statement that ‘Everyone has his own cross to bear.’ And we’ve also likely heard everything from difficult marriages, stressful jobs, […]
Matthew 16:20-23 The Unexpected Follow-Up to Peter’s Great Confession
Peter boldly proclaims Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. What happens next is shockingly unexpected. Jesus tells the disciples not to tell anyone who He is? And then, even more shockingly He begins to show them that He must go to Jerusalem, & suffer many things from the elders & chief […]
Matthew 15:7-9 The Damnable Religion of the Pharisees and Scribes
People today think taking a firm stand on issues of right and wrong is Pharisaical. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Jesus actually rebuked the Pharisees for ignoring God’s Law not for upholding it. Jesus corrected the Pharisees for teaching their almost universally held tradition as if it was God’s Law, when they ignored […]