Every person has a basic worldview, a ‘gospel,’ that gives their lives meaning and purpose. Each ‘gospel’ will answer the four major worldview questions; 1. Where Did I Come From? 2. What’s Wrong with the World? 3. What’s the Solutions? 4. Where is all this Headed/What Happens When I Die? Listen as Pastor Matt explains […]
Gospel-Centered Apologetics- Lecture 4- The God Who Wills to Be Known (Part 2 of 2) A Scriptural Case for Sola Scriptura
People look for revelation from God from many sources today; reams, visions, audible voices, modern prophets, & modern day miracles. But the Reformed tradition looks to one source for Special Revelation; Sola Scriptura. Listen as Pastor Matt explains and defends this Scriptural doctrine from the pages of Scripture itself.
Gospel-Centered Apologetics-Lecture 3- The God Who Wills to be Known (Part 1 of 2)
In order to know that there is a God He must reveal Himself. Good news! He has! And He has done so to all men, in all places, at all times (Rom. 1:18-20). But that knowledge is only enough to condemn a man, not save Him. Listen as Pastor Matt explains the difference between General […]
Gospel-Centered Apologetics- Lecture 2- The Danger of Over-Spiritualizing Faith
Satan hates the image of God. Satan wants to destroy men, keep them from reproducing, and, if he fails at that, he wants to keep them from imagining God as they were created to do. One subtle little tactic that Satan has used over the past 200 years or so has been to redefine faith. […]
Gospel-Centered Apologetics- Lecture 1- What is Apologetics and Why Does it Matter?
Listen as Pastor Matt defines Christian Apologetics, defends the branch of Theology from Scripture, and explains why it is such a critically important discipline.
Matthew 22:23-33 A Mysterious and Troubling Defense of the Resurrection
Some texts are easier to understand and accept than others. This one is a doozy! What’s with this law about marrying your deceased brother’s widow if they had no kids before he died? And how are we supposed to feel about there being no marriage in heaven? And how are we ‘like the angels in […]
He is Risen Indeed! But How Do We Answer the Skeptic?
As Christians we know that the empty tomb and post crucifixion appearances of Jesus are clear proofs of the Resurrection of King Jesus, but many people offer different explanations. Some people say the disciples stole the body. Some people say that the disciples were hallucinating when they thought they saw a resurrected Christ. And some […]
Matthew 27:45-54- An Answer to the Problem of Evil- Why is it ‘Good Friday?’
Many atheists have blamed their unbelief on ‘the problem of evil.’ The argument goes as follows:A. If God exists, then He is all-loving, & all-powerful.B. If God is all-loving, then He would want to eliminate all evil. C. If God is all-powerful, then He is able to eliminate all evil.D. Yet, Evil exists, so God […]