The first half of Zechariah’s sixth night vision portrayed the flying scroll exposing the hidden sins of Israel. The second half of the vision shows how God will remove Israel from their place of honor. Pastor Carr shows how to apply this text to Israel’s post-exilic context, their first century context, and what that means […]
Gospel-Centered Apologetics-Lecture 3- The God Who Wills to be Known (Part 1 of 2)
In order to know that there is a God He must reveal Himself. Good news! He has! And He has done so to all men, in all places, at all times (Rom. 1:18-20). But that knowledge is only enough to condemn a man, not save Him. Listen as Pastor Matt explains the difference between General […]
Revelation 1:1-8 The Foundation of Perseverance & Conquest- Brother Josh Woody
Revelation is a hotly debated and misunderstood book. But, there’s one thing upon which there should be no debate; this book is about Jesus! The focus is on what He has accomplished, and the promises He makes to His people. When we see Jesus in the book of Revelation for who He is, what He […]