Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King! Listen as Pastor Josh Woody explains from the book of Galatians how that ‘in the fullness of time’ the incarnate Son of God came into the world as King, and made us sons of God and heirs with Him.
Luke 12:13-21 Are You Rich Toward God or Are You Rich Toward Yourself?- Pastor Josh Woody
Greed is among the ugliest of vices and generosity is among the most beautiful of virtues. Since we live in the most affluent society in human history you’d expect us to be a generous people. But that is not what we see. Instead we live in one of the most self-absorbed societies in human history. […]
Psalm 118- The Day the Lord Has Made; The Cause for Christian Joy- Pastor Josh Woody
Many are familiar with Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” But do we know the context of this verse and it’s true meaning? Do we know what day is being referenced? Is it every day? Is it a particular day? Why should we […]
Luke 15:11-32 The Renegade Son, The Restoring Father, The Resentful Brother- Bro. Josh Woody
Romans 12:3-8 Many Members, Many Gifts, One Body- Brother Josh Woody
Paul tells the church that we are one body of Christ made up of many members. God has given his church a mission, he sovereignly brings his people together as one body, and he equips each individual member with the unique gifts the body needs to grow and flourish. Listen as Brother Josh Woody shows […]
Revelation 1:1-8 The Foundation of Perseverance & Conquest- Brother Josh Woody
Revelation is a hotly debated and misunderstood book. But, there’s one thing upon which there should be no debate; this book is about Jesus! The focus is on what He has accomplished, and the promises He makes to His people. When we see Jesus in the book of Revelation for who He is, what He […]