Listen as Pastor Josh Woody explains how the local church is to corporately work out their salvation with fear and trembling before a holy God.
Proverbs 20:19 Ministerial De-Ja-Vu: Identifying & Dealing with Gossip
Disagreements and conflicts in the church are burdensome, but they are not to unique to your church. The same sorts of conflict was present in Ephesus, Colossae, Philippi, & Corinth. Paul even says that divisions are necessary & even helpful.1 Cor. 11:18 When you come together as a church, I hear that divisions exist among […]
Ephesians 4:1-6 The Danger of Disunity- Pastor David Province
Unity is not an option in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the very thing that Jesus himself prayed his followers would have to mirror the Godhead in John 17. We in the church have an awesome responsibility to maintain the unity that God has already provided us with the means that […]
Romans 12:3-8 Many Members, Many Gifts, One Body- Brother Josh Woody
Paul tells the church that we are one body of Christ made up of many members. God has given his church a mission, he sovereignly brings his people together as one body, and he equips each individual member with the unique gifts the body needs to grow and flourish. Listen as Brother Josh Woody shows […]
Exodus 17:8-16 Strength in the Midst of Weariness- Dr. James P. Risner
One of the enemy’s most successful strategies has been that each of us would fight alone. Don’t fall for it! Listen as Dr. James Risner encourages us from Exodus 17 concerning our need to ‘hold one another’s arms up’ when they are growing weary.
Philippians 4:8-9 Thinking on the Best Things
Euodia & Syntyche had a problem. They looked for faults in one another. They focused on where they disagreed to the point that they saw little use for one another. They dwelled on what the other was wrong about. They dwelled on what was not respectable in the other. They likely picked at areas where […]
Philippians 4:2-3 Yet Another Threat
Although giving in to persecution & doctrinal errors are primary threats, there are still other threats to the health of a church. You get many indications from early on in Philippians that all is not as it should be in Philippi. 1:27, 2:1-4, 2:14-15. Our ability to be appear as ‘blameless & harmless, children of […]
Romans 12:1-2_ Unity that the Gospel Demands_ Pastor David Province
Listen as Pastor David Province provides three pivotal interpretive factors for Romans 12:1-2. First, he examines the book of Romans in order to set the context of relational strain between Jew and Gentile. Second, he shows how the conjunction (‘therefore’) illustrates the truth that responsibility is always rooted in revealed truth, practice is always dictated […]
Philippians 1:27 That I May Hear of Your Affairs
Imagine you are in prison awaiting trial for your faith in Christ, What would you be hoping to hear concerning those who are outside? Perhaps you’d be hoping to hear of a great demonstration of their love for you? Most would probably be most thrilled to hear that they were planning a mass appeal to […]
Getting on the Same Page_ Pastor David Province
Do you ever feel disconnected from the sermons your pastor is preaching? It’s not always the preacher’s fault. There are steps you can take to help you and your family maximumly profit from what they are hearing from Sunday to Sunday. Listen as Pastor David Province provides some practical tips to help you ‘get on […]