Unity is not an option in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the very thing that Jesus himself prayed his followers would have to mirror the Godhead in John 17. We in the church have an awesome responsibility to maintain the unity that God has already provided us with the means that […]
Ephesians 5:22-33 Patriarchy and the Gospel
It is likely that the title of this sermon itself caused you to cringe a bit and recoil. The question is, why? Listen as Pastor Matt explains the God’s patriarchal design for marriage and all of society, and how that departing from this biblical structure ’causes the word of God to be dishonored. The Gospel […]
Ephesians 6:10-14a A Hill on Which to Die- Brother Michael Carr
Christians cannot perpetually surrender ground to wickedness. Paul demonstrates in this text that there is ground that must be defended at all costs. To surrender this hill is to surrender the entire battle. What is this ground that must be defended at all costs? Listen as Brother Michael Carr explores this texts and encourages Christians […]
Ephesians 2:1-10 Taking Steps to Secure Future Generations- Brother Michael Carr
Conquering Sinful Anger with the Gospel_ Part 2c Understanding the Effects of the Fall on Fellow Christians
In this series Pastor Matt explains how to conquer sinful anger by meditating on the truths of the Gospel. This lecture focuses on how understanding the effects of the Fall on fellow Christians leads to the fruit of the spirit being manifested in our lives despite our disagreements and differences.
Ephesians 1:3-14 The Abundance, the Means of, and the Purpose of Gods Blessings- Brother Cody Maples
Listen as Brother Cody Maples guides us though Ephesians 1:3-14 to see how God the Father blesses undeserving sinners through Christ, and also WHY He does so: For His own Glory
Ephesians 6:18-20 Warfare by Prayer
In Ephesians 6:18 Paul urges believers to pray at all times, with all prayer and supplication, with all perseverance, and to make supplication for all the saints. When the word all is used four times in one verse we better pay attention! We pray that this sermon helps you evaluate your prayer life and aids […]
Ephesians 6:10-20 Seeing the Unseen
Listen as Pastor David reminds us of the spiritual nature of the Christians battle. Neither our energy, nor our enemy, nor our equipment for our battle are temporal. If we war in the flesh we will lose, but if we war according to the spirit then a victorious outcome is secure.