Unity is not an option in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the very thing that Jesus himself prayed his followers would have to mirror the Godhead in John 17. We in the church have an awesome responsibility to maintain the unity that God has already provided us with the means that […]
Genesis 32:22-32-Wrestling With Change-Pastor David Province
This is one of the most obscure passages in all of the Bible. Jacob had spent his entire life wrestling against others to get the upper hand for himself. That is, until he finally meets a mysterious antagonists who changes everything, including Jacob. Listen as Pastor David walks through the text to show…I- Jacob’s State/Situation(vs […]
Exodus 32- The Answer to Idolatry- Pastor David Province
The idolatrous building of the golden calf is a stain on the pages of Israel’s history book. What does this event teach us about our own idolatry and the sin of all mankind. Listen as Pastor David shows how we see that Jesus is the answer to idolatry from this Old Testament passage In Exodus […]
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 The Partnership of Leadership and Laity- A Charge to the Church-Pastor David Province
In an ordination service it is a familiar practice to have a charge preached to the minister. No one would disagree that a minister has responsibilities towards the congregation but what about a church’s responsibility towards its leaders? Listen as Pastor David helps the Church understand some of these responsibilities at Pastor Josh Woody’s ordination […]