Being a pastor/leader in the church puts a large target on a man’s back. Pastors are often attacked, scrutinized, and criticized. In such times there are put in the awkward position of trying to figure out if, when, and how they should defend themselves. Biblically speaking, should they or shouldn’t they defend themselves? If it […]
I Peter 5:1-4 Shepherd the Flock of God that is Among You- Pastor Josh Woody’s Ordination Charge
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 The Partnership of Leadership and Laity- A Charge to the Church-Pastor David Province
In an ordination service it is a familiar practice to have a charge preached to the minister. No one would disagree that a minister has responsibilities towards the congregation but what about a church’s responsibility towards its leaders? Listen as Pastor David helps the Church understand some of these responsibilities at Pastor Josh Woody’s ordination […]
I Timothy 3:7 Qualifications for Overseers Part 6 of 6- What Do We Care What Outsiders Think?
Throughout this series you likely thought of the potential elder’s character & abilities displayed within the context of the church. How is he seen within the church? How is he viewed by the saints? But this verse leaves the confines of the covenant community & says he must have a good reputation with those outside the church. But don’t […]
I Timothy 3:6- Qualifications for Overseers- Part 5 of 6-The Danger of Appointing a Youngster as an Elder
We have seen a lot of ways that a man can be disqualified from the ministry so far in this series. But it is possible for a man to be qualified in every way we have covered so far, but for it to still be unwise to appoint him as an elder. Today we will […]
I Timothy 3:4-5 Qualifications for Overseers- Part 4 of 6- The Man at Home
So far we have seen the positive character qualities that an elder must possess. We have considered his giftedness. And we have been warned concerning some potential disqualifying idols. Now this week we are getting personal. I know, you probably think we’ve been pretty personal the entire time, but now we are stepping right though […]
I Tim. 3:3 Qualifications for Overseers- Part 3 of 6- Not a Slave to Idols
Alcohol, anger, and assets are hot button issues in Christian circles. Many people presuppose that a man who drinks any alcohol, displays any anger, or accumulates any real wealth is intrinsically less holy than a man who completely abstains from alcohol, who never displays aggression, or who is poor. But is that what the Bible […]
I Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1:9 The Qualifications of an Overseer Part 2 of 6 Skillful at Teaching
By itself, being a good teacher, preacher, and communicator of God’s Word does not qualify a man for the office of overseer, but it is still very important. In this sermon Pastor Matt first explains what the phrase ‘able to teach’ means in I Timothy 3:2. Then he walks through Titus 1:9 to show an […]
I Timothy 3:1-7 The Qualifications of an Overseer (Part 1 of 6)
Appointing new elders is a big deal! And before a church does so they must understand the solemnity & gravity of what they are doing. They must evaluate the potential overseer to make sure that he meets the qualifications. Why? First, because pastors will give an account to God for the performance of their duties, […]
I Thessalonians 5:12-13 The Shepherds and the Sheep (Part 2 of 2)
This text is an awkward text for a pastor to preach. Why? Just read it: 1 Thes. 5:12–13 But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, & have charge over you in the Lord & give you instruction, 13 & that you esteem them very highly in love […]