Disagreements and conflicts in the church are burdensome, but they are not to unique to your church. The same sorts of conflict was present in Ephesus, Colossae, Philippi, & Corinth. Paul even says that divisions are necessary & even helpful.1 Cor. 11:18 When you come together as a church, I hear that divisions exist among […]
Matthew 10:35-37 Does Christ Delight in Divided Families?
Matthew 10:34 Not Peace but a Sword
Matthew 8:2-17 Those Whom the Suffering Servant Came to Save
Often people fixate on miraculous healings in Matthew 8 and miss the real point of the text. Listen as Pastor Matt explains that the main point of this text is how Jesus heals the lowly despised outcasts and leaves the self righteous in their sins, and is revealed as the prophesied Suffering Servant from Isaiah […]