It’s often the most memorable biblical stories that are twisted to advance ideas that weaken, undermine, or even directly contradict clear biblical doctrines. The Story of the Rich Young Ruler is one such story. Does every believer need to sell all he owns and give it to the poor in order to have eternal life? […]
Luke 12:13-21 Are You Rich Toward God or Are You Rich Toward Yourself?- Pastor Josh Woody
Greed is among the ugliest of vices and generosity is among the most beautiful of virtues. Since we live in the most affluent society in human history you’d expect us to be a generous people. But that is not what we see. Instead we live in one of the most self-absorbed societies in human history. […]
James 1:1-12 Trials, Prayers for Wisdom, and Perspective Concerning Riches- Brother Brandon Stitt
Listen as Brother Brandon Still exhorts us from James to not only persevere under trials but to count them as joy as they evidence our faith, to pray for wisdom to recognize God’s working in these difficult circumstances, and to have the right perspective concerning material possessions.
God’s Grace in My Giving_ 2 Cor. 8-9_ Bro. David Province
If God owns everything then why should I give anything? Great question, but it is a question with many biblical answers. See how that cheerful giving is a display of your heart, and an indicator of what you worship. Is there any biblical grounds for believing that if you give then God will bless you […]