When James, John, and their mother asked Jesus to grant them seats on His left and right hand in His Kingdom Jesus responded by telling them that they didn’t know what they were asking. What does that mean? In what sense did the not understand what they were asking? Listen as Pastor Matt fleshes out […]
Matthew 19:16-22 Understanding the Message of ‘The Rich Young Ruler’
It’s often the most memorable biblical stories that are twisted to advance ideas that weaken, undermine, or even directly contradict clear biblical doctrines. The Story of the Rich Young Ruler is one such story. Does every believer need to sell all he owns and give it to the poor in order to have eternal life? […]
Matthew 14:6-21 The Crony King vs. Christ the King
Matthew connects the narratives of Herod’s hedonistic birthday part and Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 with the linchpin that holds them together being their response to John the Baptist. Listen as Pastor Matt explains the stark difference between the Crony King Herod and Christ the King Jesus, and how that difference established Jesus’ eternal Kingdom […]
Matthew 13:44-46 A Treasure Hidden in the Field and the Pearl of Greatest Price
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Greatest Price are often interpreted as parables relating to the mysteries of conversion. In that interpretation the convert is the man who discovers the treasure, buries it again, and joyfully sells all he has to purchase the field and gain the treasure. But how do […]