Our sinful nature often clouds our judgment on issues of right and wrong. Such is certainly the case with the laborers in the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. Listen to part one of Pastor Matt’s examination of this often misunderstood parable.
Luke 12:13-21 Are You Rich Toward God or Are You Rich Toward Yourself?- Pastor Josh Woody
Greed is among the ugliest of vices and generosity is among the most beautiful of virtues. Since we live in the most affluent society in human history you’d expect us to be a generous people. But that is not what we see. Instead we live in one of the most self-absorbed societies in human history. […]
Philippians 4:14-17 Four Beautiful Aspects of Authentic Christian Community
Listen as Pastor Matt explains four beautiful aspects of authentic Christian community that are clear in Philippians 4:14-17 . May we all strive to live with fellow believers in such a beautiful and biblical way.