Many are familiar with Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” But do we know the context of this verse and it’s true meaning? Do we know what day is being referenced? Is it every day? Is it a particular day? Why should we […]
God Wants You to Be Happy (Various Texts)
Want to learn a dangerous truth? God wants us to be happy! Why is that truth dangerous? Because it is so misunderstood. God demands that our happiness be found in the right place; HIM! The essence of idolatry is valuing something higher than we do God. It’s finding our joy in something other than God. […]
Philippians 4:20 Why this Word of Praise? Four Praise Inducing Truths
Even as Christians we have to fight for joy. Our satisfaction in God is inconsistent. Our affections for God and our desire for Him are in constant need of renewal by the word. We want joyful lives, but often we fail to meditate on the truths that promise to sustain our joy and instead focus on […]
Philippians 2:17-18 Beyond Teaching and Motivation to Example and Experience
You have probably heard it said, ‘Do as I say do not do as I do.’ NONSENSE! That sentiment is the opposite of discipleship and was antithetical to the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Paul has instructed the Philippians toward humility and Christian love in Philippians 2:1-11, and now in Philippians 2:17-18 he points to […]