After Peter heard Jesus’ somber, yet encouraging, teaching about the effectiveness of the church in administering church discipline what does he ask? Does he ask about how to pursue the shunned man who has been put out of the church? Nope. Does he ask any clarifying questions about how to be certain they are rightly […]
Conquering Sinful Anger with the Gospel: Part 3b Redemption as Your Point of Existence
Matthew 9:11-13 Why Jesus Ate With Tax Collectors and Sinners
Matthew 9:1-8 The Paralytic’s Greatest Need
Matthew’s narrative arrangement in chapters 7:28-9:8 shows a progressive development in revealing Jesus’ credentials as the divine Messiah. We saw the authority of His teaching (7:29), we saw His authority over disease (8:3-15), we saw His authority over nature with the wind and the seas obeying Him (8:26-27), and then we saw His authority over […]
Matthew 6:2-4 The Theatre of the Damned Part 1 of 3: Mr. Generous
When we practice our righteousness is it real or is it a theatrical performance? Listen as Pastor Matt explains how playing the part of Mr. Generous in order to appear righteous before men turns even our tithes and offerings into idolatry before a Holy God. Beware! If you are honored among men for your giving […]
I Thessalonians 5:15 Doing Right While Being Wronged
For Christians, the severest, most painful disappointments come not from the wickedness of the unbelieving world but from other sheep within the church. Sheep are definitely capable of harming other sheep, sinning against them in a variety of ways, such as attacking them with wicked words that include gossip & slander, ostracizing them from fellowship.- […]