Last week Pastor Matt biblically demonstrated how Jesus ascended to His throne in the resurrection. But the text goes on to say that when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne the disciples will also sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel…. but that didn’t happen….. or did it? Listen […]
Matthew 15:1-6 According to What Standard?
The Pharisees were committed to destroying Jesus. Why? Because He rejected the flawed ‘tradition of the elders’ and called them out for their hypocrisy. Some high ranking Pharisees and Scribes heard that Jesus disregarded their tradition, and came from Jerusalem to investigate the matter. Jesus was not intimidated. Listen as Pastor Matt shows how Jesus […]
Matthew 9:1-8 The Paralytic’s Greatest Need
Matthew’s narrative arrangement in chapters 7:28-9:8 shows a progressive development in revealing Jesus’ credentials as the divine Messiah. We saw the authority of His teaching (7:29), we saw His authority over disease (8:3-15), we saw His authority over nature with the wind and the seas obeying Him (8:26-27), and then we saw His authority over […]
Matthew 8:28-34 Demonic Activity, Divine Authority, & Depraved Audacity
Matthew 5:1-2 The Absolute Authority of the Sermon on the Mount
There is much confusion over the purpose of the Sermon on the Mount. If you hear the sermon on the mount and you think, ‘Ok, I need to start living more like this if I want to live forever with Jesus in His Kingdom,’ then you have completely, tragically, even damningly missed the point of […]
Matthew 1:1-6 Abraham through Moses
Is all Scripture really profitable? What can you get out of a genealogy? It turns out a lot of gold is hidden in such texts. Listen as Pastor Matt shows that the Book of Matthew as a whole and this genealogy demonstrate that Jesus 1) Checks all the boxes to being the anticipated King to […]
I Thessalonians 5:12-13 The Shepherds and the Sheep (Part 2 of 2)
This text is an awkward text for a pastor to preach. Why? Just read it: 1 Thes. 5:12–13 But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, & have charge over you in the Lord & give you instruction, 13 & that you esteem them very highly in love […]
Proverbs 1:7-9 Seven Lessons About the Family
The fifth commandment is ‘Honor your father and mother.’ But how? And for how long? Does this command come with an expiration date? Maybe God should have said, ‘Honor your father and mother…. until you are 18.’ And must we honor our parents if they are bad parents? Perhaps it should be ‘Honor your father […]
Philippians 2:19-23 Disciple Making 101
The Protestant Reformation restored the Gospel of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone, as taught in man’s ultimate source of authority which is Scripture alone. This historic event corrected great abuses in the church. However, by misapplying the lessons of the Reformation many Christians have […]
Philippians 2:5-7 An Attitude Adjustment
God places us all where we are. We are all both in authority and under authority. Why? What purposes does God have for the structures of authority that he as ordained? What should our attitude be toward those who are in authority over us, and what attitude should we take toward those who are under […]