Matthew 11:25-27 The Son’s Praise of The Father
How boss was Jesus?!?! He trolled the unrepentant cities who had seen His miracles by praising the Father for hiding the truth from them… and He did so right in front of them! Listen as Pastor Matt explores this spontaneous public praise of the Father. Jesus highlights His own deity by claiming that He is […]
Matthew 11:20-24 Those Who Jesus Mocks and Will One Day Judge
Mocking people doesn’t seem very Christ-like… but that’s exactly what we see Christ doing in Matthew 11. In Matthew 5:11 Jesus promises a blessing for those who are insulted/reviled/mocked for Jesus’ sake. Now here, in Matthew 11:20, that same word is used describing how Jesus is ‘denouncing’ the cities where most of His miracles were […]
Job 38-41 When God Asks Questions
Job 1-2:10 Learning from the Heavenly Discourses in Job- Brother Brody Wells
When calamity comes is God in control? Listen as Brother Brody Wells comforts those who suffer by unequivocally answering this difficult question from the heavenly discourses in the book of Job.
Job 1-2 The Great Suffering of God’s Righteous Servant Job
Often times our familiarity with the book Job, specifically the dialogues between God and Satan, give us too much of a heads up to really feel and consider the losses of God’s servant. For that reason, listen as Brother Brody preaches from chapters 1 and 2, only considering the righteous man, Job’s perspective from the […]
Genesis 41:25- Exodus 13:10- Where is God When Chaos Comes?
It has been a painful troubling few weeks. In the path of its chaos Hurricane Harvey claimed 82 lives. Irma killed 112. Nate has killed 36. Maria 78. 332 killed by these Atlantic hurricanes so far this season. The Denver post reported that 360 died in the 7.1 Mexico earthquake- many of them children as […]
Philippians 1:24-26_ Why the Dilemma?
In Philippians 1:23 Paul says that departing to be with Christ is ‘very much better’ or ‘better beyond all expression’ when compared to continuing in the flesh. If that is true then why does it seem that Paul is torn concerning whether he would choose life or death if the choice was his? Listen as […]