Do you struggle with worry? Worry can be paralyzing! Nothing is pleasant about it at all… but it seems almost impossible to overcome. Why? Jesus exposes the root of worry and points us to the remedy.
Philippians 4:2-13 Dealing with Disagreement and Difficulty
Listen as Brother Brandon Stitt encourages us to 1) Mend offenses quickly, 2) Worry about nothing, and 3) Be content in Christ.
Philippians 4:5-7 A Forbearing Versus An Anxious Spirit
Disagreement and discord are two different things. How do we maintain unity in the midst of disagreement? How do we disagree as Christians? The carnal response is aggression and worry, but there is a better way. Listen as Pastor Matt examines Philippians 4:5-7 to show us the key to displaying a beautiful forbearing spirit instead […]