Jesus dealt harshly with the Pharisees and Scribes, but patiently with the disciples. The disciples were not always a quick study, and, at times, Jesus became exasperated by their slow growth and the smallness of their faith. However, Jesus continued to patiently instruct His beloved disciples even when their growth was slow and their understanding […]
Matthew 13:31-32 The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven would grow like a mustard seed; from its beginnings as being like the smallest of seeds to be one day being like a large tree. Jesus called that one! The Roman Empire no longer exists. It hasn’t existed for over 1,500 years! Oh, but the kingdom of heaven, that […]
Job 1-2 The Great Suffering of God’s Righteous Servant Job
Often times our familiarity with the book Job, specifically the dialogues between God and Satan, give us too much of a heads up to really feel and consider the losses of God’s servant. For that reason, listen as Brother Brody preaches from chapters 1 and 2, only considering the righteous man, Job’s perspective from the […]
I Thessalonians 5:14 How to Help Your Pastors
The work of a pastor is difficult. However, much that is considered as the pastor’s work is actually the work of the entire congregation. A healthy church member is a disciple making church member who takes seriously his/her responsibility to shepherd other members. Listen as Pastor Matt explains from I Thessalonians 5:14 how to help […]