Matthew 12:43-45 Reforming for the Worse
The Bible is clear; spiritual warfare is real, and demons are real. We are not just in a battle against the flesh, but against spiritual powers and spiritual entities. These unclean spirits delight in bringing disorder, chaos, & cursedness. Jesus tells of a demon who became discouraged and left a man, and the man cleaned […]
Matthew 12:25-30 Did Jesus Cast Out Devils by the Power of Satan?
After Jesus cast a demon out of a demon possessed blind mute man, the Pharisees made the outlandish accusation that Jesus cast the demon out by the power of Satan. Listen as Pastor Matt explains how Jesus answers this moronic accusation by showing that 1) The Accusation is Illogical, 2) The Pharisees are Inconsistent, and […]
Matthew 12:22-24 An Ailing Man, the Amazed Masses, and Some Accusatory Morons
In this text Jesus heals one of the more afflicted men He ever helped; a demon-possessed blind mute! The watching crowed is amazed, and asks a very important question, ‘This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?’ Although the question is asked in a way that is far from faith-filled, the very mention […]