Last week Pastor Matt explained the particular elements of the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. He did not explain what Matthew intended to convey. What is meant by the Kingdom of Heaven/The Vineyard? Who do these early morning laborers and late day laborers who receive just as much as the early morning laborers […]
Matthew 16:1-4 The Sign of Jonah- Take 2
The Pharisees were fully resolve to destroy Jesus, but in order to do so they needed help. Shockingly they turn to their religious and political rivals; the Sadducees. As much as they hated one another, their love of prestige, power, and position led them to unite around their even greater hatred of Jesus. But when […]
Matthew 15:29-16:1- Gentiles Fed at the Master’s Table
Matthew 15:21-28 Unmerited Favor for an Unclean Dog of a Woman
Matthew 13:34-35 Parables as Prophetic Fulfillment
Matthew presents Jesus’ parabolic ministry as a fulfillment of Psalm 78. Many skeptics suggest that Matthew is grasping at straws to invent prophetic fulfillment where none exists. Do they have a point? Absolutely not! As always, the skeptics are easily refuted. Listen as Pastor Matt explains how Jesus’ parables were a fulfillment of Asaph’s ministry, […]
Matthew 8:5-13 A Jewish Messiah for a Roman Centurion
Gentiles were despised by Jews at the time of Christ, and Roman officials were hated even more. Listen as we see Jesus shock his primarily Jewish audience by declaring that many of them would be cast out of the Kingdom but many, including this Roman Centurion, would recline at the table with Abraham, Isaac, and […]