The people of Israel find themselves in a dire position in this text. See how the marvelous grace of Christ was extended to His people even 500 before his redemptive ministry on earth.
Matthew 16:5-12 The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
Last week we saw that the polar opposite Pharisees and Sadducees were cooperating together against Jesus. The Pharisees were like our so-called conservatives today. They held to what they had always believed and what they had always thought even though many elements of it were wrong. The Sadducees were like the progressives of our day. […]
Galatians 2:15-21 Living by Faith in Christ- Brother Chris Sublett
Are you good enough? What works does God require of man to be saved? What about after salvation? How does the Christian know he’s pulling his weight and truly living up to God’s standard? The Judaizers thought they had cornered the market on the answers to these questions, but Paul’s answers were the polar opposite […]
Romans 8:1 No Condemnation- Brother Michael Carr
Conquering Sinful Anger with the Gospel: Part 1b God as Sustainer
In this series Pastor Matt explains how to conquer sinful anger by meditating on the truths of the Gospel. This lecture focuses on how understanding who God is as Sustainer leads to the fruit of the spirit being manifested in our lives despite our circumstances.
I Thessalonians 4:3-8 Sex and the Gospel
Have you ever wondered why Christians make such a big deal over sex? Shouldn’t we just preach the Gospel? God designed sex as part of His good purpose in creation. God doesn’t hate sex… Satan does. Therefore, Satan has tried to pervert God’s design since the fall. Sex, as ordained and intended by God, is beautiful […]
I Thessalonians 2:13-16 Two Responses on Display
It is not astounding that people reject the Gospel. It is not astounding that Christianity is losing influence in the West today. It is astounding that it has spread as it has, and that it continues to spread. Listen as Pastor Matt shows from I Thessalonians 3:13-16 two opposite responses to the Gospel: The response […]
I Cor. 1:17-31 The Message of the Cross: Foolishness or Power and Wisdom_ Bro. Brody Wells
People’s receptivity of the message of the cross varies greatly from person to person. Some hate it! To them it is foolishness, and even offensive. To others the Gospel is the wonder-working power and infinite wisdom of God. Listen as Brother Brody Wells delves into I Corinthians 1:17-31. Brody explains the content of this message, […]
II Cor. 2:14-17- Creating a Culture of Evangelism- Bro. Caleb Batchelor
Listen as Brother Caleb Batchelor looks at II Corinthians 2:14-17 showing how Christians are both captives of Christ and heirs with Christ, how that the Gospel is a fragrance in the world to all as God’s people exult in Christ, how evangelism impacts everywhere, and how it is pleasing to God.