Are you good enough? What works does God require of man to be saved? What about after salvation? How does the Christian know he’s pulling his weight and truly living up to God’s standard? The Judaizers thought they had cornered the market on the answers to these questions, but Paul’s answers were the polar opposite […]
Matthew 15:10-14- Enlightening the Crowds & Ignoring the Pharisees
Philippians 3:18-19 Enemies of the Cross of Christ
There are two competing interpretations of Philippians 3:18-19 centered the identity of these ‘enemies of the cross of Christ.’ Which one is right? We cannot be sure. Listen as Pastor Matt shows how this lack of clarity actually supports a right understanding of the doctrine of the clarity of Scripture.
Philippians 3:15-16 The Imperfections of the Perfect
Immediately after saying in Philippians 3:12 that he has not yet been perfected Paul immediately includes himself as numbered with those who are perfect. Is this a contradiction in the Bible? Not at all! A paradox is a statement or group of statements that is/are seemingly contradictory or that goes against one’s natural intuition. Philippians […]
Philippians 3:2-3 A Threat From Within
Satan has more than one trick up his sleeve. If he cannot cause believers to deny the Gospel by persecution he tries to get them to distort it. It matters little if you persevere in faith if you are trusting in a demonic misunderstanding of the Gospel. Listen as Pastor Matt explores the subtle differences […]