In the Parable of the Sower Jesus is encouraging caution in our dealings with crowds and new people. When there is excitement & large numbers accompanying our ministries our excitement can hamper our discernment. There is a temptation to assume than every attendee, and professing convert is genuine but Jesus informs the disciples of four […]
Matthew 10:16-23 Sheep Amongst the Wolves Part 2 of 2
Jesus warns His disciples of the dangerous nature of their mission; they are being sent out ‘as sheep amongst the wolves.’ But how are they to stay safe in the midst of this dangerous mission? What should motivate them to persevere? And can they be confident that their mission will be successful? Listen as Pastor […]
Matthew 7:15-23 Prophets and their Fruit
False prophets have always existed. Jesus says you can recognize them by the ‘fruit’ that they bear. What does that mean? Does Jesus have a particular group of people in mind? Listen as Pastor Matt explains how to understand and apply this well known text.
Matthew 7:7-12 Ask, Seek, Knock
We are all familiar with Jesus’ words, ‘Ask and IT shall be given.’ Ask and WHAT shall be given?!?! Is this promise a blank check to ask for whatever we want, or is Jesus promising to give something in particular. Listen as Pastor Matt presents this text in context showing that Jesus is referring to […]
I Thessalonians 5:19-22 Your Role in Becoming Holy
Sanctification is not like regeneration. Regeneration is all God’s work- Sanctification is a joint endeavor. We cooperate with the Spirit of God to be sanctified…we actually work at it. It’s what Kevin DeYoung calls Spirit-Powered, Gospel-Driven, Faith-Fueled EFFORT. Listen as Pastor Matt explains things we must incorporate into our lives to become more like Jesus.
Psalm 1_ The Way of the Righteous and the Way of the Wicked
Listen as Pastor David Province examines Psalm 1 to identify the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked; the blessed man and his condition and the blessed man and his contrast. As you listen consider which path you are on. Turn to the way of the righteous!
Philippians 3:17-19 Who Should I Follow?
Is it arrogant to tell others to follow your example? Shouldn’t we just chart our own course, follow our own heart, and do what makes us happy? After all, were all sinners, right? Aren’t issues of faith personal? Such questions are quite popular today, but they are completely unbiblical. Listen as Pastor Matt examines Philippians […]
Philippians 3:2-3 A Threat From Within
Satan has more than one trick up his sleeve. If he cannot cause believers to deny the Gospel by persecution he tries to get them to distort it. It matters little if you persevere in faith if you are trusting in a demonic misunderstanding of the Gospel. Listen as Pastor Matt explores the subtle differences […]
Philippians_ A Mid-book Review/Preview
Have you ever struggled understanding the relationship between prayer and God’s Sovereignty? You are not alone, but there are answers. Listen as Pastor Matt examines the book of Philippians to get the ‘big picture.’ Paul trusted God to preserve the Philippians in the faith (1:6), but this confidence does not keep him from praying drives […]
The Christian and Pop-Culture_ Dr. James Risner
Should Christians just throw all ‘secular’ movies, music, and media away or is there a responsible way in which to not only enjoy it, but to worship God in our enjoyment of it? What must we discard, and what should we discerningly engage? Listen as Dr. James Risner from Brantwood Baptist Church in Dayton Ohio […]