I’m sure you have heard it said that we should keep politics out of our preaching. Such is impossible! We are all familiar with Peter’s great confession, ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’ What you might not realize is the political implications of this confession. Listen as Pastor Matt explains how […]
Matthew 14:3-12- John the Baptist: A Case Study in Speaking the Truth
How should a Christian think of cultural engagement? Should the church address political issues? Should Christians speak out against wicked rulers? The example of John the Baptist is instructive. 1) He knew what was going on 2) He knew what God’s law said 3) He spoke to Herod about his sin 4) He was undeterred […]
Matthew 12:25ish A Quasi-Expository Biblical and Theological Deep Dive into Kingdoms, Nations, Cities, and Peoples
In this lecture/sermon Pastor Matt considers the origin of kingdoms/nations, languages, ethnicities and religions. He also explores the roots of ‘Kinism,’ and how Jesus coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s essentially reduces the world to two Kingdoms; the New Jerusalem (the City of Peace) and Babylon (The City of Confusion). In essence […]
Matthew 10:2-4 The King and His Reconciled Laborers
Philippians 1:1-2_ From Where Do Grace and Peace Come? Caesar or God?
Grace and peace do not not, and cannot come from mere man. Look with us at the context of first century church into which God sent the epistle to the Philippians. Should they look to their Roman citizenship as their ground of boasting? What is our highest authority? Christ of Caesar? They had to choose […]