Just as in the Modern USA, at the time of Christ divorce was shamefully common. The Pharisees had taught the popular Hillelite tradition on divorce saying that divorce was acceptable for any reason. When they asked Jesus He disagreed. He said, ‘What God has joined together, do not let man separate.’ They responded by claiming […]
Matthew 5:31-32 But I Say Unto You Part 3- Divorce
There is a lot of confusion about divorce and remarriage in our culture and even in our churches today. Listen as Pastor Matt unravels the pertinent biblical texts and cultural considerations to help us understand both how and when divorce leads to adultery, and to point us to hope when we find ourselves guilty.
Matthew 5:27-30 But I Say Unto You Part 2- Adultery
According to Jesus, you can be EXTERNALLY faithful to your wife, while INTERNALLY being guilty of adultery. How? By coveting your neighbor’s wife. Sin is a ultimately a heart issue. Gauging out your eye will not help if the heart is the problem. Neither will cutting off your hand. If only there was a way […]